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Seth Jackson
“I think Seth is one of the most self-motivated, ‘cup-half-full’ students that I work with,” said Soren Dews, Seth Jackson’s VSAC counselor. “Even if it's an obstacle, he looks at it as ‘how can I get through this? How can I get motivated?’ I think that is so impressive.” The Burlington High School…
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Nikiah Viger
“Without VSAC and my guidance counselor, I wouldn't be where I am right now.” Nikiah Viger’s experience with VSAC shaped her career. Now as the senior financial aid officer at VTSU Castleton, Nikiah works to make college possible for all students, including first-generation college students like…
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Georgette Niyokindi
For Georgette Niyokindi, getting a college degree gives her the opportunity to give back to her new community: Burlington, Vermont. Currently enrolled at the Community College of Vermont, Georgette is on track to receive a degree in behavioral science before focusing her studies on social work. Her…
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