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Blog Archive: August 2023

3 grads in the Green Mountain Job & Retention Program
Jessica Neilson of Rutland, Emma Nadeau of Derby, and Ben Hulett of Shaftsbury are benefitting from a $5,000 loan repayment incentive to launch their careers and stay in Vermont. A brand-new student loan repayment program, designed to incentivize recent college graduates to stay in Vermont, is…
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students at computers
Facing unexpected expenses or a change in family income? Consider appealing for more financial aid. UVM junior David Richardson knows a lot about financial hardship and the unexpected ways it can strike a family. When David was seven, his family’s financial stability literally slipped out from…
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book for procrastinators
We're all procrastinators in some area of life. You’ve been putting something off for too long, between work, friendships, and even self-care. Life goes on if responsibilities don't get done today, but they're still important. I procrastinated writing this. Telling myself, "I don't procrastinate…
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College Dorm Room
Are you wondering, "Do my student loans cover housing?" In addition to paying for tuition and fees, student loans can be used to pay for college living expenses ... and more. Along with school meals, groceries, rent, housing supplies, and utilities, you can also use your loans to buy books, a laptop…
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