Planning for college or training this year? Apply for the Vermont Grant.
Explore Career Options
Finding the right career can be a daunting task. Whether you’re a high school student trying to choose a college or training program, or an adult thinking about changing careers, this is a time of great transition—and great decision making. You may be thinking about many different things: your financial situation, your family responsibilities, your past experiences, and your personal goals. And you may be wondering where to start.
VSAC Can Help You Find Your Dream Career
Here’s what you should know: Many people start and change careers several times throughout their lifetimes—for many different reasons. So you’re not alone in facing these big decisions.
Through our outreach programs for middle school, high school, and returning adult students, VSAC’s experienced counselors have helped thousands of Vermonters throughout the state take the next step toward their dream career. And we're here to help you too.
And check out VSAC's Vermont Career Connect—a virtual career exploration program to help you:
- think about the future
- explore new possibilities
- hear directly from people in a wide variety of careers about their work

3 Steps to Exploring Your Career Options
Finding your first—or your next—career is a process. And it involves 3 basic steps:
- Knowing yourself: Your interests, your abilities, your goals and personality
- Knowing your career options: The fields and jobs that match who you are
- Knowing your education and training options: What it takes to get there
Ready to begin? Let’s start with Step 1.