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Blog Archive: April 2023

student standing in field
Philip Malazarte of Chester is “a young man who is going places,” says his VSAC outreach counselor, Jessi Krause Herron. “He has been committed to the nursing field since ninth grade and has been learning all he can to prepare. And he’s a standout member of his community, caring for others and going…
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computer and student
April, besides being tax time, is highlighted as National Financial Literacy Month. For families with a high school senior, that takes on a special meaning, as it’s also when students are making decisions about what’s next … with cost often a primary consideration driving their choices. Options…
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student Dakota Eddy
Nathan Hickey first started mentoring 19-year-old Dakota Eddy three years ago, when she was a sophomore at Mill River Union High School. Working through the GEAR UP program, Nathan is part of a team of VSAC Outreach Counselors throughout the state who offer guidance and support to middle- and high…
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