Planning for college or training this year? Apply for the Vermont Grant.
Blog Archive: Student Loan
Navigating the postsecondary education landscape can feel overwhelming. It’s normal to ask questions like: what should I study, what kind of program should I enroll in, what type of credential should I earn and how do I know it’s going to get me the job I want? The answers to these questions will…
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Fraudsters have been peppering cell phones and email inboxes for the last year with claims that borrowers need to register with them to qualify for loan forgiveness. These scammers even offer access to early rounds of funding.
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Summer is in full force, but students heading to or returning to college and other training will soon be facing an important deadline: paying the fall tuition bill. As you plan for and anticipate new courses, meeting new friends, reconnecting with old ones, and even living on or off campus, one of…
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Looking to learn how to choose a student loan? VSAC’s guidance can help you minimize the cost of higher education.
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The updated FAFSA was delayed this fall, and the impact of that three-month delay rolled down the line to colleges, families, and students. College financial aid offices are now scrambling to process student financial data and to get their aid decisions out to families as quickly as possible…
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The new year gives you a chance to reflect on what you love about life, and what you want to change in the future. Education has always been a powerful tool for enhancing life choices and goals. If you see college education as a gateway to a new life, consider the 802Opportunity grant. The…
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“I think FAFSAs are fun,” says Chris Barry, VSAC’s Resource Center Supervisor, flashing a bright smile and sitting up a little straighter in his seat. “But,” he concedes, “not everybody does.” For parents of college-bound high school seniors, who are just now starting the bewildering process of…
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Federal student loan payments have resumed. Don’t panic! VSAC offers tips to help you stay on track. The U.S. Department of Education’s COVID-19 relief program for federal student loans has ended. Student loan interest resumed on September 1, and payments on federal student loans are due starting…
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Jessica Neilson of Rutland, Emma Nadeau of Derby, and Ben Hulett of Shaftsbury are benefitting from a $5,000 loan repayment incentive to launch their careers and stay in Vermont. A brand-new student loan repayment program, designed to incentivize recent college graduates to stay in Vermont, is…
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If you’re scrambling to pay the remainder of your tuition bill, VSAC's 5 tips will guide you away from procrastinating so you can pay your student tuition bill today.
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