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Amina Malagic photo
When it came to college and career paths, Spaulding High School senior Amina Malagic had two strong role models growing up: her older sisters. Both were high achievers who graduated from UVM and went on to graduate school; one has her MBA, and the other is pursuing her DPM. “I grew up seeing my…
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Talent Search student Alex Dufresne
Alex Dufresne, a senior at Twinfield Union High School in Marshfield, admits that his high-school academic experience has been a bit of a roller coaster. “My grades have been really good one year, then really bad the next, then pretty good the next year,” says Alex, who also had some up-and-down…
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Meadow Yvon image
Twenty-one-year-old Meadow Yvon is just the sort of person you’d want to have as your dental hygienist. She’s diligent and sensitive — and clearly attentive to the needs and feelings of others. “I’ve just always wanted to help people,” Meadow says of the thought process that led her to pursue a…
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