Planning for college or training this year? Apply for the Vermont Grant.
Sarah Kourkoulis wanted to work at a school but lacked a college degree. With support from VSAC and the Vermont Teacher Forgivable Loan Program, she’s well on her way.
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VSAC’s annual College and Career Pathways event helps students and families take next steps after high school—from identifying career interests to writing a college essay to navigating financial aid. Among others, a new workshop on apprenticeships explains how students can “test-drive” a potential career and gain valuable experience.
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“There are so many ways to look at death. I try to talk about it a lot,” says Cara Campbell. “People shy away at first. But then, when something happens, they need someone to talk to.” Cara Campbell is a certified end-of-life doula, a role that is just beginning to take shape in the United States…
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