Planning for college or training this year? Apply for the Vermont Grant.
If your parents did not graduate from college, you’re also less likely to pursue higher education for yourself. According to VSAC research, 41% of Vermont high school seniors in 2022 were considered first-generation students, meaning that neither of their parents completed a 4-year college degree…
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When I think about why I love raising kids in Vermont, more than the usual things come to mind. Vermonters love the outdoors (even in November, the season of the sticks), so yes, fresh air, unspoiled spaces, beautiful mountains and valleys, room to roam, and the ability to play outside all year long…
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When asked what aspect of healthcare she’d like to specialize in, third-year nursing student Olivia Demag says maybe the ER, maybe labor and delivery. But she also quickly qualifies her answer. “In nursing, they constantly say ‘keep your mind open,’ because it's fast-paced and a lot of things change…
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