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Dennis Van Nostrand
Dennis Van Nostrand has two dreams: To be a cross-country tractor-trailer truck driver and to be an actor. On the first one he’s close to his destination. Dennis currently has a class B commercial driver’s license and works for Thomas Dairy in Rutland. He loves his job, but he’s been spending his…
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Debbie McBride
Debbie McBride and her son both graduated from college on the same day. She skipped her ceremony to attend his, a small sacrifice but one of many she made to pursue her degree. That graduation meant she met her goal of earning the diploma by the time she turned 50. It also represents a new career…
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Jeremy MacKenzie
Jeremy MacKenzie’s higher education journey is the stuff movies are made of. It starts when Jeremy is incarcerated and ends, at least for now, with a George Lucas scholarship to get his graduate degree in film studies. And, without the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation, this tale may never have…
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