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Blog Archive: Preparing for College Costs

computer and student
April, besides being tax time, is highlighted as National Financial Literacy Month. For families with a high school senior, that takes on a special meaning, as it’s also when students are making decisions about what’s next … with cost often a primary consideration driving their choices. Options…
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student Dakota Eddy
Nathan Hickey first started mentoring 19-year-old Dakota Eddy three years ago, when she was a sophomore at Mill River Union High School. Working through the GEAR UP program, Nathan is part of a team of VSAC Outreach Counselors throughout the state who offer guidance and support to middle- and high…
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Xavier Wood photo
In the fall of 2020, Michelle Legere walked into the sophomore-class advisory group at Richford Junior-Senior High School to introduce herself as a brand-new VSAC Outreach Counselor. Even on her very first day at work, she knew that Xavier Wood was a standout. “The students took turns introducing…
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Young woman with headphones writing in notebook and looking at laptop
With warmer weather a few weeks away, high school seniors have another transition on their mind: considering what's after graduation. Even if you're undecided, this is a good time to explore the options for your future. Are you looking for a career training program, taking a gap year, entering the…
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Nick Williams
During the spring of his senior year at Burr & Burton Academy, Nick Williams had several college acceptance letters sitting on his desk. But, he recalls saying to his parents at the time, “I have no idea how I’m going to afford this.” “It kind of soured the process for me,” says Nick, now 24. “I…
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Vaughn Winter photo
“Job interviews are not fun, especially when you’re awful at talking to new people. I kind of have to push myself over the cliff, and just go.” That statement could easily apply to any 22-year-old looking to make his way in the world. But for Vaughn Winter of Barre, who struggles with a combination…
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Sahra Hassan image
Burlington High School senior Sahra Hassan has twice been recognized as being among the top students in the country and part of the nation’s most promising STEM talent. But you’d never know it in talking to her. This hardworking and high-achieving student comes across, first and foremost, as humble…
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Rhiana Carr
When college-bound Rhiana Carr was starting her final year at Fair Haven Union High School and thinking about next steps, the top-ranked college just 18 miles down the road from her home in Orwell wasn’t initially on her application list. Even though Middlebury College was very familiar to her—given…
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