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Blog Archive: Preparing for College Costs

Vermont Career Connect
Have you ever wondered about a job or career and what it would be like to do that work? Plan on attending the Vermont Career Connect virtual event, Oct. 28, from 10 a.m. to noon, to take the first step in discovering your future. The Zoom event features Kathi Terami, from Careers CLiC, presenting…
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Hawa Abdi
When 18-year-old Hawa Abdi was 2 years old, her parents made the decision to emigrate from Africa to the United States, where they knew they could give their children a life filled with education and opportunity, rather than poverty and political persecution – things they had personally experienced…
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Abdi Mohamed
Abdimajiid Mohamed is in search of total bliss when it comes to career planning … among other things. “Any job that I get up in the morning happy to go to would be great,” he says. “Life’s too short not to be happy.” For Mohamed, now a student at Trine University in Angola, Indiana, a major in…
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Dr. Cody Paiva
Dr. Cody Paiva, a 2009 graduate of Blue Mountain Union High School in Wells River and a 2020 medical degree recipient from Pacific Northwest University in Yakima, Washington, was once his mother’s boss at McDonald’s. It’s a quirky twist of fate that helps tell the story of a young man from humble…
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Sophia Desrochers
Because of COVID-19, 18-year-old Sophia Desrochers wasn’t able to walk across the stage at a traditional high school graduation, and she wasn’t able to attend her senior prom. In fact, she wasn’t even able to visit the college she chose to attend, having to rely instead on a description of the…
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Kayce Gorton
Visit the website for Northern Vermont University-Johnson, and near the top of the announcements list you’ll find a link to a special “virtual celebration” of the graduating Class of 2020 — a group of accomplished young Americans who will always be remembered as the “COVID-19 class,” graduating in a…
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