Planning for college or training this year? Apply for the Vermont Grant.
Blog Archive: Applying to College
The New Year gives us a chance to reflect upon what we love about our lives, and perhaps, what we would like to change. 802Opportunity, an education access program administered by VSAC in partnership with the Community College of Vermont (CCV), is a powerful tool available to Vermonters who are…
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“I’ve been a massage therapist for the last 15 years. I love it, but it doesn’t pay very well,” says Jared Green. After a recent divorce he started contemplating his future as a single parent. He knew he needed a career change. “Plus, I feel like there’s only so far I can go with massage,” a…
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“Schools may have money for you. You just have to ask for it,” says David Richardson of Danville. David worked full time all through high school, not to save for college, but to help cover his family’s living expenses after his father became disabled. He was determined to go to college, but wasn’t…
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Addiction kept Amanda Southwick from going to college right after high school. Motherhood inspired her to recover. Now, she’s pursuing a college education so she can help others reach recovery.
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VSAC’s Educational Opportunity Center helps adult student, Kristina Callahan, earn credentials for her dream job.
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Zofia Kosakowski “makes everyone feel comforted and cared about,” says Kassidy Moore, a VSAC outreach counselor who worked with Zofia on her college applications during her junior and senior years at Rivendell Academy. Moore’s description is a fitting one for this aspiring elementary school teacher…
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If your parents did not graduate from college, you’re also less likely to pursue higher education for yourself. According to VSAC research, 41% of Vermont high school seniors in 2022 were considered first-generation students, meaning that neither of their parents completed a 4-year college degree…
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When asked what aspect of healthcare she’d like to specialize in, third-year nursing student Olivia Demag says maybe the ER, maybe labor and delivery. But she also quickly qualifies her answer. “In nursing, they constantly say ‘keep your mind open,’ because it's fast-paced and a lot of things change…
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Autumn is a great time to plan for college and job training, so when spring arrives, you’ll be ready for next steps. If you’re looking forward to starting or continuing your education, but don’t know where to begin—you’re not alone! Most good-paying, high-demand jobs in Vermont require some form of…
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Between sports, theater productions, concerts, presentations and holding down a part time job—senior year is stressful. Add graduation and saying goodbye to friends, and it can feel like a lot. Maybe too much. This year may feel even more overwhelming than usual. Delays caused by federal financial…
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