Planning for college or training this year? Apply for the Vermont Grant.
Donation Information
Looking to make a difference in the lives of Vermont students? Consider a donation to the Vermont Scholarship Fund. Donating is easy. Plus, it’s tax deductible for you—and your donation goes directly to scholarships for Vermont students.
You can donate in 1 of 4 ways:
- Make a tax-deductible donation online. We process all donations through Network for Good—a trusted online fundraising platform for charities and nonprofit organizations. Donate now via Network for Good >
- Make a tax-deductible donation by check, made out to:
The Vermont Scholarship Fund P.O. Box 2000 Winooski, VT 05404 |
If you’d like to donate to a specific scholarship, please indicate the name of the scholarship on your contribution. You’ll find a list of existing scholarships in our scholarship booklet. Download the scholarship booklet >
- Set up planned giving: We accept both planned and life income gifts that can provide you with lifetime income, current income tax deductions, and estate tax savings. Please call our office toll-free at 888-253-4819 for more information.
- Transfer appreciated securities to the Vermont Scholarship Fund: The transfer of appreciated securities to the Vermont Scholarship Fund offers you tax-saving advantages. Call us at 888-253-4819 for more information.
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