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VSAC Building Earns ENERGY STAR®
The prestigious ENERGY STAR given to facilities ranking in the top 25 percent nationally
WINOOSKI — The Vermont Student Assistance Corporation office building, completed in 2005 as a key element of Winooski’s downtown revitalization, has earned the prestigious ENERGY STAR given to facilities ranking in the top 25 percent nationally for energy efficiency.
The VSAC building uses sensors to measure natural light and minimize use of electrical lighting; high-efficiency heating, cooling, and ventilating systems; and equipment and appliance shutdown policies that limit energy use during non-business hours. VSAC was assisted in its efforts by the staff of Hallam-ICS of South Burlington and Efficiency Vermont.
The ENERGY STAR rating is conferred by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Buildings earning the rating use an average of 35 percent less energy, and release 35 percent less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, than typical buildings.
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