Planning for college or training this year? Apply for the Vermont Grant.
South Burlington adds Career & Education Wellness to suite of employee benefits
VSAC program designed to assist employees with education goals and family education pathways
WINOOSKI (Nov. 8, 2018)— The city of South Burlington is adding a new benefit for its 160-plus employees: career and education guidance.
The city will partner with Vermont Student Assistance Corp. to offer its landmark Career & Education Wellness program, designed to create education opportunities for employees and their families.
“This new wellness program could not come at a better time, as our education landscape continues to evolve, more and more jobs require advanced skills, and the cost of education continues to be a challenge,” said City Manager Kevin Dorn. “Career & Education Wellness is an opportunity that helps employees expand the skills they bring to work every day as well as to help them navigate their children’s education.”
VSAC’s Career & Education Wellness program has dozens of course offerings relevant to employees’ needs and interests, whether for themselves or their children, said Patrick Leduc, vice president of VSAC’s career and education outreach.
“Course offerings are designed specifically to address the needs of employees with children in Vermont school systems and to provide support through career and college planning, enrollment, and success,” Leduc said.
Where one new parent may want more information about saving for college or making sure their child is ready for school, another may need to better understand the ins and outs of personalized learning plans, flexible pathways and proficiency-based graduation requirements for their high schooler.
Others may be looking for guidance on how to tackle the college/training search and how to pay for college. Still others would benefit from workshops on loan repayment, loan forgiveness, as well as workshops specifically tailored to assist employees with their own education needs.
To date, VSAC has worked with employers in Chittenden, Franklin and Rutland counties, tailoring the workshops to the individual employer – and employees’ needs – through workshops, informal brown-bag lunches and personalized 1:1 counseling sessions.
“Education is the most powerful force in creating a vibrant economy and community,” said Alison Rogers, office manager at Hickok & Boardman Financial Planning & HR Intelligence, one of VSAC’s first partners. “VSAC has years of experience in working with adults and can help employees and their family members explore their interests, identify training they may need now and understand the costs of continuing education.”
For more information on Career & Education Wellness, visit\employer.
About VSAC – Changing Lives through Education and Training since 1965
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation is a public, nonprofit agency established by the Vermont Legislature in 1965 to help Vermonters achieve their education and training goals after high school. VSAC serves students and their families in grades 7-12, as well as adults returning to school, by providing education and career planning services, need-based grants, scholarships and education loans. VSAC has awarded more than $600 million in grants and scholarships for Vermont students, and also administers Vermont’s 529 college savings plan. Share your VSAC story by email to or submit a video to YouTube. Find us at or check in on Facebook and Twitter. #changing lives