Planning for college or training this year? Apply for the Vermont Grant.
Governor, Legislature honor VSAC’s Educational Opportunity Center
30 years, 60,000 adult Vermonters: EOC gives Vermonters a path to better skills and careers
WINOOSKI (April 9, 2021) – Governor Phil Scott and the Vermont Legislature are celebrating 30 years of VSAC’s Educational Opportunity Center with a proclamation and concurrent resolution, naming the week of April 12, Educational Opportunity Center Week in Vermont.
Vermont Student Assistance Corp. is marking three decades of success in the Educational Opportunity Center, a federally funded outreach program that helps Vermont adults access college and career training services that will build the foundation for successful careers.
“As we work to grow our economy, the Educational Opportunity Center is an important resource to help Vermonters gain the skills and training needed to succeed in the workforce and career opportunities in Vermont,” Governor Scott said. “Combined with the Advancement Grant, the EOC program guides and provides funding for Vermonters on their chosen career pathways.”
The pandemic has highlighted the critical importance of education and training that all Vermonters must have to fill critical roles in our communities – like health care, mental health, technology, and manufacturing, noted Scott Giles, VSAC president and CEO. As VSAC’s partners at the McClure Foundation have pointed out, all of Vermont’s high-growth, high-wage jobs require education and training after high school. And, as our state recovers, these jobs will be in greater demand and, very importantly, they provide security and good wages.
“It’s timely to observe this important milestone now, when more than ever, Vermonters are focused on the skills and training they need to emerge successfully from the economic hardships caused by the pandemic,” said Scott Giles, president and CEO of VSAC. “But this milestone is about more than the program, it gives us an opportunity to celebrate the thousands of Vermonters who have used these services to pursue the opportunity to achieve their career, education and life goals.”
The Educational Opportunity Center at VSAC helps adults access college and career training services by providing career exploration, education and training options, and assistance with financial aid applications. With seven counselors based across Vermont, interested adults can schedule an appointment locally for this free service.
The Educational Opportunity Centers program one of eight TRIO programs from the U.S. Department of Education. There are 139 EOC programs at colleges and organizations in 44 states serving more than 192,000 adults. For more information, visit or call 877-961-4369 to schedule an appointment with a counselor near you.
About VSAC – Changing Lives through Education and Training since 1965
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation is a public, nonprofit agency established by the Vermont Legislature in 1965 to help Vermonters achieve their education and training goals after high school. VSAC serves students and their families in grades 7-12, as well as adults returning to school, by providing education and career planning services, need-based grants, scholarships and education loans. VSAC has awarded more than $600 million in grants and scholarships for Vermont students, and also administers Vermont’s 529 college savings plan. Share your VSAC story by email to or submit a video to YouTube. Find us at or check in on Facebook and Twitter. #changing lives